What is a Yoga Block Used For? Unlocking the Benefits

tl;dr: A yoga block is used to provide support and stability during yoga poses.

If you’re new to yoga or looking to deepen your practice, you may have come across a yoga block. But what is a yoga block used for exactly? In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of using a yoga block, the different types available, how to use them effectively, and how to choose the right one for you.

Benefits of using a yoga block

Using a yoga block can offer several benefits to your yoga practice. Here are some of the key advantages:

Improved alignment

One of the main benefits of using a yoga block is improved alignment. It can help you achieve proper alignment in poses where you may not have the flexibility or strength to reach the floor. By placing the block under your hand or foot, you can bring the ground closer to you, allowing you to maintain proper alignment and avoid strain or injury.

Increased flexibility

Yoga blocks can also help increase flexibility. They provide support and stability, allowing you to safely explore deeper stretches. By gradually lowering the height of the block as your flexibility improves, you can gradually deepen your practice and reach new levels of flexibility.

Enhanced balance

Balance is an essential aspect of yoga, and yoga blocks can assist in improving your balance. They provide a stable base for your hands or feet, allowing you to focus on finding your center of gravity and maintaining balance in challenging poses. With regular practice, you’ll notice an improvement in your overall balance and stability.

Types of yoga blocks

Yoga blocks come in various materials, each offering unique characteristics and benefits. Here are the three most common types of yoga blocks:

Cork yoga blocks

Cork yoga blocks are popular due to their firmness and durability. They provide excellent support and stability, making them ideal for beginners or those who prefer a solid surface. Cork blocks also have a natural texture that provides a good grip, preventing slipping during poses.

Foam yoga blocks

Foam yoga blocks are lightweight and soft, making them comfortable to use. They offer a bit more give than cork blocks, which can be beneficial for individuals with sensitive joints. Foam blocks are also great for restorative yoga practices or for those who prefer a softer surface.

Wooden yoga blocks

Wooden yoga blocks are sturdy and provide a natural, earthy feel. They are typically heavier than cork or foam blocks, offering extra stability during poses. Wooden blocks are also aesthetically pleasing and can add a touch of elegance to your yoga practice.

How to use a yoga block

 what is a yoga block used for

Now that you know the benefits and types of yoga blocks, let’s explore how to use them effectively in your practice. Here are some common ways to incorporate yoga blocks:

Supporting standing poses

In standing poses like Triangle Pose or Half Moon Pose, you can use a yoga block to bring the floor closer to you. Place the block on the outside of your front foot and rest your hand on it for support. This allows you to maintain proper alignment and engage the muscles more effectively.

Assisting with balance poses

Balance poses like Tree Pose or Dancer’s Pose can be challenging, especially for beginners. Yoga blocks can provide stability and support by placing them under your hand or foot. This helps you find your balance and gradually build strength and confidence in these poses.

Modifying seated poses

Seated poses like Forward Fold or Seated Twist can be difficult if you have tight hamstrings or limited flexibility. By sitting on a yoga block, you can elevate your hips and create more space in your body, making these poses more accessible and comfortable.

Deepening stretches

Yoga blocks can also be used to deepen stretches. For example, in Pigeon Pose, placing a block under your hip can help you relax into the pose and experience a deeper stretch in your hips and glutes. By adjusting the height of the block, you can customize the intensity of the stretch to suit your needs.

Choosing the right yoga block for you

When selecting a yoga block, consider the following factors to find the one that suits your needs:

Consider your body type and flexibility

If you have a larger body frame or limited flexibility, you may benefit from a larger or higher yoga block. This will provide you with the necessary support and stability to comfortably practice yoga poses.

Think about the level of support you need

If you’re a beginner or require more support, opt for a firmer block like cork or wood. If you prefer a softer surface or have sensitive joints, a foam block may be more suitable.

Consider the material and texture

The material and texture of the yoga block can affect your grip and comfort during practice. Cork blocks offer a natural texture that provides a good grip, while foam blocks are softer and more comfortable to touch. Wooden blocks provide a smooth surface with a natural feel.


In summary, a yoga block is a versatile prop that can enhance your yoga practice in numerous ways. It provides support, stability, and helps improve alignment, flexibility, and balance. By choosing the right type of yoga block and incorporating it into your practice, you can take your yoga journey to new heights. So, grab a yoga block, explore its benefits, and elevate your practice today!


  • Should beginners use yoga blocks?

    Yes, beginners can benefit from using yoga blocks as they provide support and stability during poses.

  • Is sitting on a yoga block good for you?

    Sitting on a yoga block can be beneficial as it helps to improve posture, increase comfort, and provide support for the hips and spine.

  • Where do you put yoga blocks?

    Yoga blocks can be placed under the hands, feet, or hips to modify and deepen poses, provide support, or increase stability.

Originally posted 2023-06-30 09:24:29.

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